Rita Utterback, FDNP, CHN, FNMS, OFNC, CPT, CNC
“Unconventional Collaborative is a ONE-STOP SHOP for elevating your practice/ health coaching. Not only are you surrounded by a team of healthcare professionals + coaches with different backgrounds + levels of expertise, but there is an endless amount of resources + WAYS for us to all continue learning to ensure we are providing the best + most well rounded care for our private clients + patients. Very thankful for this community + everything that I've been able to take + use in my practice to better serve my ladies!”
Kelly Swann DPT, CSCS
“The most accurate phrase to capture this group would be "you learn something new every day." Collaboration in health care, patient care, and client care far exceeds the alternative because no one person can know it all. The value of this group is immeasurable - not only for myself as a practitioner but also for my clients’ benefit!”
Brooke Czarnecki RDN, LD + RED-s/Eating Disorder Specialist
“Having a group of colleagues + practitioners to lean back on when I have questions or need to see things from a different approach– having that in my corner was truly a no-brainer to say yes to joining unconventional collaborative. I think the most valuable thing so far for me in my business in joining unconventional collaborative is having the confidence to take on more complex client cases knowing I have this super smart team of experts behind me”
Janie Brown PA-C, PNL1
“The greatest benefit I get from unconventional collaborative is being able to expand my knowledge, by learning from others in real life situations, as well as the events that Danielle and Laura provide from us that range from how to improve your business to medical problems and all in between. Working as a practitioner in the wellness space can be isolating, but unconventional collaborative is providing connections and support to further improve the care we give people, thus improving the health of all those involved.”
Dr. Kristen Geist DDS, D. ABDSM
“UC was the community I had been looking for but didn't even realize I existed! I am constantly seeing patients who are feeling stuck after visiting so many providers with certain symptoms and no resolution. I can personally relate to this feeling, and it is an awful place to be. Being surrounded by providers who also recognize the HUMAN side and truly work on finding ROOT causes rather than band-aid solutions is refreshing.”